Sunday, September 29, 2013

Loose lips sinking meals tax ships...

Word is getting out... Chesterfest turn out was amazing and united against the proposed meals tax!

Word of mouth says we will continue to eat meals tax free in Chesterfield come November 5th despite our betters telling us to vote FOR a NEW TAX... #smh

It also looks like there has been a split in the pro debt (bond) folks and they have scrapped their tepid support for the meals tax to try and salvage their bonds.

REMEMBER Vote NO in NOvember!

More exciting news is on the way... Including the new fight against a raise in our real estate rates without increased CCPS and Chesterfield government transparency.... For the third year straight of politely asking... Put the County Checkbook ONLINE! 

Oh... ask this popular question to yourselves... how come ALL of those shiny branded organizations that are supporting new debt and taxes have not asked for more government transparency in exchange for their support?  The Taxpayer shakes her head (and fist).  A few weak kneed supporters have even ask for NEW government programs to fix the problem of taxing small business in a weak economy. Typical crony capitalism.

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Taxpayers are frank; but, always polite. Use commonsense and write like you would to your mother...