Friday, February 22, 2013

The School Board is in town... or is it just the circus?

So while everyone focuses on raising taxes to fix that pesky transportation problem real good... the Chesterfield County School Board is laying the tracks to pass the largest bond referendum in recent local government history... and The Taxpayer will be on the hook for all of it.

All in the name of equity and revitalization, the latest buzz words to pick your pocket, as found in that little document we warned about... "the comprehensive plan".  Yes, the camel's nose approach is alive and well... Isn't the circus in town? 

Some would say it never leaves the courthouse.

The court jester David Wyman says...

the revitalization program was “developed to align with the comprehensive plan” approved last year...   I think it’s going to be an excellent plan to move forward...

This is truly a joke.  It is like a magician appears and there is a hat (the plan) and the very next second, a rabbit (a $250 million rabbit) appears from thin air.... oooo the anticipation was killing The Taxpayer...

The punchline is to ask a few questions of the fearless "leader" of the school creation factory...
  1. How much will it all cost over the life of the bond?
  2. Do you plan to pay for it on the backs of The Taxpayer by raising property taxes or instituting a brand new meals tax or both?
  3. How can you justify a 30 to 50 year improvement when we probably won't even use schools to educate our kids twenty years from now?
  4. Is this a sustainable method to run public schools or is this education model for the 20th century?
  5. How can technology assist us?
  6. How can distance learning increase revenues, attract the best teachers, and transform how teachers get compensated by the number of students they teach and their effectiveness?
  7. Why do homeschoolers get 40% better results for 30% of the cost? How can the county better leverage homeschooling? What capital costs would be saved?
  8. What are the experts saying about the future of education for K-12 in a school facility?
  9. How is the CCPS experimenting with ways to defray transportation and capital facility cost through technology?
  10. How can the School Board increase its transparency of the process to encourage more public participation through technology and an open online checkbook?

The Taxpayer will have a list of demands forthcoming... the revolt continues...

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Taxpayers are frank; but, always polite. Use commonsense and write like you would to your mother...