WTVR has this report on our Chesterfield School Board and the Chesterfield Education Association
Frank Cardella, President of the Chesterfield Education Association says "It's terrible. It's a sad day in education." That's his reaction to supervisors rejecting the highly anticipated tax increase. Cardella says he's fielded numerous calls from angry teachers who were counting on this. He says "We have just spent the last six years getting teacher salaries up to market value and now the funding available for those positions is going to be cut."It's nice to see the citizen support of the bloat. The Taxpayer would see it as a decade of runaway, unsustainable budgets. The CEA's reaction is just one of anger. It is interesting to see the use of the words "highly anticipated tax increase". What does that mean?
It is amazing to see the Avatar dreamworld created by the CEA with little regard for the condition of The Taxpayer since about 2007 or 2008.
"We the undersigned, urge the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors to increase the property tax rate and to designate sufficient funds each year to maintain existing programs and current class sizes while retaining ALL teaching and support personnel positions necessary to obtain these goals." ~ Chesterfield County Residents for Quality EducationReally? The CEA wants to retain all positions... Wake up! This sums it up about the CEA. From the "Leaders" tab...
The leaders of the CEA look a lot like the followers - because they are the followers.
It appears that our Bloated Schools Administrator "Leader" is still on the wrong mission
"Chesterfield school leaders are working with local and state elected officials to ensure education remains their top funding priority. The school division is seeking long-term solutions to the current budget crisis. What we are hearing so far from elected officials represent short-term solutions that will leave significant funding gaps for future years. The School Board's adopted FY2011 operating budget makes $26 million in cuts. This is in addition to the $44 million in cuts already made to this year's budget."Here "long term solutions" means new taxes; and "significant funding gaps" are manufactured to create a crisis. Mr. Newsome, it is time to dial in a new target. More funding does not equate to better educated kids.
Now the bloated school argument will shift to "we are nice folks and we need our fair share". Newsome is upfront about his intentions:
"We remain hopeful that the county's proposed budget released next Wednesday will reflect our requests to fund schools at the current 61.3 percent of tax collections and return all of the school division's accrued savings from FY 2008 and FY 2009."
From the RTD...
The Liaison Committee, which includes members of the Chesterfield County School Board and the Board of Supervisors, will meet Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the School Administration Building, 9900 Krause Road.The Taxpayer hopes the mission is clear. It is also nice to see the time is convenient for working Taxpayers to attend.
Looks like you may need to elect a new School Board and replace Mr. Newsom. But you know in order to make any progress on this matter you may need to breake the teacher union. Just my $0.02