Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sam Nixon wins The Taxpayer’s Hero Award

From today’s Chesterfield Observer And here

Leadership looks like this…
In the past 10 years, state revenue for public education in Chesterfield doubled [100%] while statewide it went up 68 percent, according to Nixon. Chesterfield schools received considerably more revenue than its increase in students plus inflation, he added. The number of county students increased 15.7 percent.

“It’s only natural that Chesterfield’s reduction in funding is greater,” Nixon said. “Chesterfield [also] got $19.5 million of federal stimulus money out of the state’s total of $365 million. Chesterfield chose to spend it on operating expenses this year.”

On the other hand, Chairman Daniel A. Gecker and County Administrator Jay Stegmaier recieve the Bloat Award. Gecker and Stegmaier along with Superintendent Marcus Newsome appear to be friends of the Bloat.
The Chesterfield School Board has recommended going up 4 cents on the current 95-cent rate while Stegmaier’s budget recommends raising the rate to $1.

“I’m not comfortable with the level of cuts to our [proposed] budget.”
“I’m nervous about cutting $107 million [state and local revenue loss] and what that does to our services. We can cut $85 million, but after that you’ll notice the difference.”
“Last year, we notified about 100 people that their jobs might be eliminated, but less than 10 people were let go,”
“It somewhat amazes me the complete lack of responsibility the General Assembly delegation seems to be taking for the position we [the county] find ourselves in.”
Of course they are not comfortable. It is because they were busy empire building when they need to get back to the basics and work on the foundational pillars of what limited government is all about.

The Taxpayer Life Lessons
Years at the trough in good times, make hazy decisions in bad times that much harder. The lack of responsible growth in the budget mirrors the same trough mentality that developers practiced in times gone by. Hangovers are tough the next morning particularly when you’ve been drinkin’ heavily for a decade.

UPDATE: The Bloat Trio had a set back today.   The Board of Supervisors voted at 4PM today to retain our real estate tax rate at $0.95 by a vote of 4 to 1 with Chairman Gecker voting for flexibility to bloat.  The Taxpayer will now move onto a couple of new areas: budget transparency, Chesterfield's heavy dependency on federal and state revenue to govern on local issues, how the budget process decisions are made, and a few more items along the way just to keep it interesting.

UPDATE #2: The RTD has these nuggets:

BOS Chairman Bloat:
"Board of Supervisors Chairman Daniel A. Gecker made a motion for a 99-cent rate to allow flexibility in coming weeks as the state's budget is finalized. But his motion died for lack of a second."
SB Chairman of Flexible Bloat
"Obviously we're disappointed that we don't have at least the flexibility that comes with the possibility of a tax-rate adjustment."

The Taxpayer would like to take a moment to thank those that will be affected adversely by the upcoming budget decisions for their service to our local government.  It is not an easy time for anyone; but, you will find a way to continue to make a difference in what lies ahead and find something that you enjoy.  The Taxpayer wishes you all the best in your new endeavors.

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