Friday, August 9, 2013

The Taxpayers' two cents...

So the Propagandatour 2013 continues...

The prop makers would have you believe that it is just two pennies the Taxpayer is giving up using this graphic on their fancy website to convince you to raise your taxes...

But the Taxpayer is always willing to go the extra mile

The expected revenue from just two cents on the dollar is $8 million or 800,000,000 pennies from your purse per year.

That is enough to fill a 50-ton dump truck 44 times per year.

If you give the meals tax just five years of life, it fills a 747 Cargo Plane.  (Keep in mind that the wingspan is 100 feet longer than Orville and Wilbur's first flight at Kitty Hawk.)

Give the Wright Brothers a happy meal and tell your elected leaders... "Don't tax me bro..."
Vote NO in NOvember on the meals tax. Do it for the children.

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Taxpayers are frank; but, always polite. Use commonsense and write like you would to your mother...