Saturday, March 2, 2013

Introducing the ringleader...sunlight is the best disinfectant.

So now we here from the Ringleader today talking about plunder.

We are not sure what he means when he states...

"It's not just we've got some aging facilities that need to be repaired, but let's look at can we bring some parity to facilities in all areas of our county,"

Pirate Carmody has apparently not looked at the condition of The Taxpayer's house.  It probably mirrors the condition of where the bureaucrats sell their wares. 

Hear the words from The Taxpayer...
If parity is acceptable across Chesterfield County with its housing stock, then it should be acceptable in its government buildings too. 

By the way, when one blindly follows the comprehensive (TAX) plan, you come up with new buzz words like parity and revitalization.  AND you just happy to steal The Taxpayer's ability to fix up their house, which are replaced with pristine, eco-exotic storage facilities to house drone bureaucrats that happily impede liberty.

Since the Ringleader is in charge of the budget, may be he can answer this part of the quiz...

Oh no... How is it good budgeting technique to spend $5,000,000+ on "Other Changes and Services" in the Non-Department in 2011?  What does this mean exactly?  Pirates can respond below.

A few demands for the ringleader:
  • Create a metadata file for every line item and use nomenclature that the lay person can understand
  • AND put the County Checkbook online.  If the Governor's office can do it, Chesterfield should too.  Time to air the dirty laundry.
We are watching you (and the revolt continues)

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Taxpayers are frank; but, always polite. Use commonsense and write like you would to your mother...