Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chesterfield Administration Issues Warning to The Taxpayer

Well it certainly is a good thing I woke up and subscribe to the Richmond Times Dispatch.  Imagine my surprise when between sips of coffee beans that someone I hardly know would issue a warning to little old me... The Taxpayer.

Sure enough, Jay Stegmaier, the head of the bureaucracy factory says that he needs more dough to feed the goose.
But there comes a point where, if you have to cut too much, you might kill the goose that’s laying the golden egg. We can’t let that happen.

So the head bureaucrat believes that the government is the golden egg. Typical of factory workers.

The Taxpayer, however, begs to differ.  It is not the government that lays anything.  It is the government that might eat the goose to satisfy its appetite for gold; not the other way around.  Stegmaier's factory fails if it cannot get enough eggs.

While The Taxpayer laments the head bureaucrat's position, it is no excuse for blindly following unfunded mandates and wielding nonsensical mandates at The Taxpayer saying "We will pay for these out of your hide.  Out of your bank account, we will take your liberty."   In this day, a little civil disobedience goes a long way to drive home the point to the State General Assembly and the Federales that we can no longer support your mandates or your whims.  Take a hike. That would take more courage than bureaucrats have... so The Taxpayer has heard the call from the factory foreman.

We’re going to continue to pick apart the budget and do everything we can to make it affordable and to balance it with our revenue structure that we have in place.
 You cannot have all the fun lead bureaucrat.  So The Taxpayer will offer the first of many vignettes of how to simply cut waste and fund necessities.  We will also take a look at those pesky unfunded mandates. 

We believe that as soon as Chesterfield takes a stand, other localities will follow our lead.  (That is why they call them Taxpayer Revolts!)

So charge! 

Why in tarnation does the Community Development Department (ie The Overseers) need $217,000 for dues... Not to be outdone, why does the Economic Development Department (ie The Revitalizers... sounds like a bankrupt vitamin juicer product) need $444,000 for dues?  Hello utilities? $95,000 gone.  BOS... step up to the microphone at  $72,000.

Jay Stegmaier... are you ready to kill the golden goose?  We are ready to fight back.

1 comment:

  1. Unbeleivable. I've had to tighten mu purse strings, it's high time Chesterfield County BOS tighten theirs.


Taxpayers are frank; but, always polite. Use commonsense and write like you would to your mother...