Friday, March 5, 2010

Incomplete... Reject it!

WRIC has this to say about the School Board meeting last night...

Newsome originally proposed that administrators take a four percent decrease in pay and all other employees take a three percent pay cut. In his revised proposal, Newsome suggested administrators take a three percent cut, with other employees taking a two percent decrease.
So where does that money come from?

All capital improvement projects will be deferred and maintenance funds will be cut.

The Taxpayer can understand new construction being deferred; but, maintenance? 

It seems to us that the long term view seems to be foreign to our school administrators.  As a professor of taxes, we are looking for a 10 year sustainable vision, not a year by year approach.  When a student offers a 1 page term paper, the professor has to reject it as incomplete.  The Board of Supervisors should do the same to the School Board.

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