Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CCPS begins the game of chicken...

The Taxpayer is noticing a curious shift in the Chesterfield School Board.  From the budget bluster to this....
The news is better for some. The school system expected to cut 300 positions, they instead will cut 200 and paycuts will only be reduced one percent instead of two or three.
Instantly better news?  How could this be? Did someone get smart? 
The bad news is happening in the County's central office. The cuts will be increased there from $600,000 to $1.3 million. Nine positions will be eliminated including the loss of two assistant superintendents.
The Taxpayer thinks that if you double or triple that number it would be closer to what is necessary.  Note to state and federal legislators: Stop over-regulating local education matters.  Regulation is a form of tax.  It requires localities to meet the new regulation with more central office staff.  Stop contributing to the bloat.
It will defer school improvements at Midlothian Middle School, Midlothian High School, Watkins Elementary and Gates Elementary. Stalling those projects will save the district an anticipated $4.7 million.
No. It will not save anything.  It will defer the maintenance improvements.  Instead of making substantial operating cuts, the Adminstrator of Bloat continues to use maintenance dollars for central office operations.

Someone is obviously playing chicken.  The Taxpayer will not blink.

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