Monday, February 22, 2010

Showdown this Wednesday... Belt Tighteners v. Big Spenders

This Wednesday February 24th beginning at 6:30PM, there will be a showdown at the Board of Supervisors meeting.

The Main Event at the Public Meeting Room...

Big Spenders versus the Belt Tighteners

It will be between those that diet by eating less or those that diet by loosening their belt and eating more.

From today's RTD...
Board of Supervisors Chairman Daniel A. Gecker was the only supervisor who last year sought to advertise a higher tax rate in case state budget changes worsened the county's revenue outlook.

"I still believe we ought to give ourselves that flexibility," he said.
“Flexibility” is code for we are not going to tighten our belts like families do. “Flexibility” means we are going to eat into your wallet instead of our bottomline. “Flexibility” means our government services are more important than your family’s economic choices. “Flexibility” means growth in government. (And yes growth in a recession means “revenue neutral” .)

School leaders have asked the supervisors to raise the rate to at least 99 cents to help offset its own shortfall.
“School Leaders would not ask for more in these tough economic times. They would figure out the best course of action and execute it. “School Leaders let the budget get to unsustainable levels during the good days instead of applying restraint. Now it is raining. Time to cut and remember the lesson of sustainable budgets when times are good again.

The Chesterfield Business Council issued a statement Friday supporting a rate adjustment, but no higher than the revenue-neutral $1, so most homeowners would not see higher tax bills.
We have businesses in Chesterfield? Who is on this council? Our largest employer is the school system. Are they on this council?

The Chesterfield Business Council (CBC) was the first of four advisory councils established by the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce in 1980. The CBC promotes the objectives of the Chamber and addresses issues of importance to Chesterfield County businesses. Members serve on committees and task forces under the Council’s Board of Directors. The CBC meets monthly.  
The CBC website is hosted by the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce here . The CBC chair is currently John R Easter

Why does Mr. Easter, as CBC Chairman, want to raise our taxes through a “revenue neutral” rate hike? The Taxpayer wants to know.

Here is the CBC press release.

Here is how the CBC phrases our current budget situation in Chesterfield…

"the challenging budget decisions..."
"significant impacts on levels of service..."
"extraordinary budgetary cuts..."
"prevent the significant deterioration of essential services..."
"the extreme budget expenditure reductions..."
Sounds like a real crisis. We better raise that tax rate!!!!  But wait a minute...What about the families and their own personal economic strife? Who is their voice? Certainly not the CBC!?

Yet the CBC uses language that sounds so soothing to the ear of the uninitated:

"that taxes paid by most residents would not exceed the amount paid last fiscal year"
"net change in taxes due to the combination of assessed values and rate should be, at most, revenue-neutral"
Why not give it a chance??

The Taxpayer would argue that the County has not fulfilled the CBC’s own itemized requests:
"encourage County officials to give thoughtful consideration as funds are allocated to ensure that every dollar spent improves government and schools..."
"that expense reductions drive efficiency and minimize waste..."
"ask our County leaders to protect Chesterfield County’s economic, civic and educational reputation by making fiscally sound decisions..."
Until such time that we have wise, frugal stewards of our tax dollars, we would respectfully ask that Mr. Easter and the CBC withhold their support for a rate hike that takes away from families’ bottomline.

To add to the confusion, check out this letter sent to Superintendent Newsome by the CBC just three months ago!  It is interesting and confusing to the Taxpayer that the same CBC that wants to give additional funding to the county is also seeking additional transparency from the School System. One would think it would be required that transparency comes first and funding second. Perhaps the CBC just may have forgotten their December 2009 letter to Superintendent Newsome. Maybe the CBC can clarify the matter.

The Taxpayer urges you to show up this Wednesday night and voice your opinion. Be a part of this important community decision. We can no longer afford to leave these decisions to others.

1 comment:

  1. I support the schools on this one. Our children deserve the best education possible to prepare them for a global society. A few dollars from each of us are worth the price.


Taxpayers are frank; but, always polite. Use commonsense and write like you would to your mother...